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Adventure Guide

Note: Our prize pictures come from Animal Jam Sky Blog, so they're not ours.

This is your ultimate guide to any adventure, any difficulty! Enjoy!

Training Grounds

Level Required: None

This is where Liza teaches you how to participate in various adventures.

And the prize:

Return of The Phantoms: Normal

Level Required: Level 1
Passage: Artic Wolves

In both levels of difficulty, you are trying to free the bunnies from cages by using keys that you must find.

And here are the prizes:

Return of The Phantoms: Hard

Level Required: Level 1
Passage: Artic Wolves

Basically the same as the normal Return of The Phantoms, but harder!


The Phantom Portal: Normal

Level Needed: Level 2
Passage: Fox

In this adventure, you are trying to help the monkeys by gathering Alpha Stones.

Here are the prizes:

The Phantom Portal: Hard

Level Needed: Level 3
Passages: Fox & Lion

The same as the normal mode, but with a harder twist to it!

Here are the prizes:

Meet Cosmo: Normal

Level Needed: Level 2
Passages: Tiger

Help Cosmo harvest plants to make a new weapon, the boomseed, save animals, and build bridges.

Here are the prizes:

Meet Cosmo: Hard

Level Needed: Level 3
Passages: Tiger, Koala, Raccoon, & Elephant

The same as normal mode but harder!



The Hive: Normal

Level Needed: Level 3
Passages: Elephant & Horse
Members Only

Explore caves underground as you try to find Alpha Stones to unlock the passage that leads to where the Phantom King stays...

Here are the prizes:

The Hive: Hard

Level Needed: Level 4
Passages: Elephant & Horse
Members Only

A harder version of the normal mode.

Here are the prizes:

The Great Escape: Normal

Level Needed: Level 4
Passage: Monkeys

Explore the phantom castle and meet Greely.

Here are the prizes:

The Great Escape: Hard

Level Needed: Level 5
Passages: Monkey &  Kangaroo
Members Only

A harder version of The Great Escape.

Here are the prizes:

Greely's Inferno: Normal

Level Needed: Level 4
Passages: Wolf
Members only

The Phantom Volcano is about to erupt and ruin Jamaa, can you stop it?


Greely's Inferno: Hard

Level Needed: Level 5
Passages: Artic Wolf & Wolf

A hard twist to Greely's Inferno. Here are the prizes:

The Search For Greely- click link!

Any Suggestions? Comment Below! Thanks!


1 comment:

Hey guys! Please don't bully other jammers and please no swearing. Thanks!