Hi guys, and welcome to our blog! Please comment, we love comments! If you don't comment... we'll... We don't know what we'll do, but please comment! ^.^ Also, be sure to check out our YouTube channel ( Loudfamily5 )
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Saturday, February 8, 2014

YouTube Channel!

        Hey guys! So, my bro & I decided that we were going to start a YouTube channel! We haven't posted on the blog much since we've been so busy with this channel. Want the link to our YouTube Channel? Then click here!

        We also have some other videos besides Animal Jam on our YouTube channel, since other family members also post on our channel! It's kind of like a family- wide channel that everyone posts on! Be sure to check out The Bratty Bichon series, which I help out with!

Bye guys!

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Hey guys! Please don't bully other jammers and please no swearing. Thanks!