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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Clover Balloons!

Hey guys!!!

So, what's new in shops today?

Yay, clover balloons for 300 gems, and they're nonmember!

Jammer49612 sent in this photo of every eagle plushie, be sure to collect them! :)

And from the Daily Explorer:

" Everyday, Jammers ask if it’s possible to break the ice in Mt. Shiveer and the bridge in Coral Canyons. Many a curious Jammer has noticed cracking when three or more players jump on them.
Congratulations to Countess Snowylily, Lucky Thelion, Darling Arcticwolf, Daredevil Bravewolf, and Arctic Wolf for their discoveries!
Have you been wondering what the next NEWS CREW topic will be? We’ll tell you right now. It’s EAGLES!! Submit what you think the coolest things are about eagles, and we just might choose you!! This is the only way to acquire the nifty CAMERA for your Animal NAME BADGE. Make sure to have your submissions in by March 23 to be considered. "

Interesting, huh? Anyways, here's the AJMV of the day!

 World Go Boom created by 1968Whyme!

Bye, jammers!


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